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Planning Commission Meeting

  • City of Hamilton 345 High St. Hamilton (map)

The Planning Commission reviews rezoning, plans unit developments, preliminary and final subdivision plats, street and alley vacations, street name changes.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 1:30 PM via Zoom Webinar.

There are two (2) items on the agenda which require a public hearing.

Meeting information and Zoom Webinar information can be found below in this email.  Also, please see the notes below:

For Agenda Item 1 - 1157 Central Avenue, Conditional Use

This is a revised conditional use plan for the property.  The revision proposes one (1) commercial building with a gasoline canopy.  Most other items of this application and the intent of the project are still the same.  Please see the agenda item for further details.

For Agenda Item 2 - 1010 Cleveland Avenue, Conditional Use

This is a conditional use application for an existing self-storage facility, to allow the addition of 24 (twenty-four) new prefabricated storage units.

The Planning Commission meeting is open to the public.  However, due to the state of emergency related to COVID-19, the meeting will be held remotely via Zoom webinar.  Staff encourages those who are comfortable attending the meeting remotely (via online/computer or phone call) to do so.  We also encourage anyone to ask Staff if you require assistance with accessing the meeting remotely.

The online meeting information is included in the new cover sheet of the PC Agenda packet and noted below:

Planning Commission (day meeting).

Thursday, July 2, 2020. 1:30 P.M.

Please click the link below to join the webinar: Webinar ID: 999 7316 8685.


One tap mobile 

    US: +13126266799,,99973168685#  or +19292056099,,99973168685#


Or Telephone: 

Dial +1 (312) 626-6799 and when prompted dial the webinar ID:

Webinar ID: 999 7316 8685

Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible by replying to this email so that we can determine whether there will be the necessary quorum to conduct business.  Let Staff know if you have any scheduling changes or conflicts.  In the event we are unable to achieve a quorum Staff will adapt and take appropriate steps to reschedule the meeting and public hearing.

July 2

(CANCELLED) Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

July 7

ADRB-Architectural Design Review Board Meeting