Hamilton Connects.

In November of 2021, the City of Hamilton became an Internet Service Provider for the businesses in our community. As with all the utilities owned and operated by the City of Hamilton, our team is committed to provide reliable, local, and affordable broadband services to our fiber customers. The City of Hamilton is responsible for all aspects of fiber services including field work, operations, maintenance, billing and customer service. Hamilton Connects serves multiple businesses throughout the city with more than 80 miles of aerial and underground cable. We are committed to provide high quality broadband internet services that not only meet, but exceed your expectations.

Connecting Our Businesses through Reliable, Local, Community Owned Broadband Services.

  • ONTs with Wifi Capability

    Don’t have a router or want the hassle of additional equipment? Our Optical Network Terminals are Wifi enabled.

  • IP Addresses

    Need more than one IP address? At no additional cost, you can add multiple IP addresses to suit your business’s needs.

  • Monitored Network

    Ready to stay connected? Our partner, Untangled Technology, is a trusted networking company with more than 20 years of experience.

  • Notifications

    Want maximum performance for increased productivity? Our technology is equipped to notify our team if services should happen to fall offline.

Meeting Your Business Needs

  • Our high speed fiber broadband internet can handle more traffic and data with fewer interruptions, even during peak times.

  • Fiber internet has the fastest connection available. With five levels to choose from, Hamilton Connects can personalize a plan with the speed you need to get business done.

  • Behind our excellent broadband internet service is a hardworking and dedicated team of city employees who believe in Hamilton Connects and are available to assist you.

  • With multiple connection plans available and a $5.00 monthly equipment fee, Hamilton Connects can find the plan that’s right for your budget without compromising quality.

Need fiber internet service for your business?

Contact us to see how we can get you connected!

We would love to hear from you!

Help us make improvements and share customer experiences with others in our community. Send us an email or take our brief survey by clicking the link below.

Hamilton Connects Fiber Service

Connection Speeds & Rates

50 Mbps- $100.00/month

100 Mbps- $175.00/month

200 Mbps- $225.00/month

500 Mbps- $350.00/month

1G- $500.00/month

All service levels have a $5.00 equipment fee.

Hamilton Connects will assess your area to see if your business is eligible for services. We know a personalized plan to suit your business’s needs is important to you. If field work is necessary, buildout charges may be required to connect with us (financing options available). Our fiber team remains dedicated to expansion and developing areas where fiber service may not be available… yet!

Fiber Terms & Conditions

In order to provide clear and consistent guidelines, our fiber service terms and conditions align with the City of Hamilton’s codified ordinances and our Utilities Customer Service Division policies.

Join the Hamilton Connects Community

Hamilton Connects quarterly newsletters are located here to keep you informed about fiber services, changes and developments. Please reach out to hamiltonconnects@hamilton-oh.gov if you would like to subscribe.

Don’t Miss Out!

If you would like to help spread the word about the City of Hamilton’s fiber broadband internet services for businesses in our community, feel free to download, print and share our informational flyer.

Please Share!

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