Leaf Collection and Snow Removal.
Snow Removal.
Learn more about snow removal routes and see where our trucks have been on the interactive “Snow Informer” map.
Leaf Collection.
The 2024 leaf collection season has ended. While routes are scheduled for collection each week, crews may also work ahead on upcoming routes when possible. To determine your route and date, please refer to the route descriptions below or visit the My Home web application and type your address in the search box. For additional information, please call the Streets Department at 513-785-7550 ext. 5.
The City will be using our text messaging tool to keep customers up to date during leaf collection this year. This tool can also send notices for power outages and provide real-time alerts for other services based on address. If you want to make sure you’re signed up for text notifications, click here.
To help City crews, please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Do not bag your leaves; bagged leaves will not be picked up by the City. Rumpke will pick up leaves bagged properly (contained in yard waste bags or trash cans clearly marked “Yard Waste” and weighing less than 50 pounds) in limited quantities, maximum of 6 cans or bags per week. Yard waste placed in plastic bags will not be picked up.
2. Make sure your leaves are not under, between, or around parked cars.
3. Do not put grass clippings, tree branches, or brush in with your leaves; they will not be picked up.
4. Rake your leaves out the weekend prior to the scheduled pick up.
Please note: Leaf pick up by City equipment creates a fine dust in the air, so plan to wash your car afterward.
Upon completion of all leaf collection routes, crews will perform spot collection throughout the City until collection trucks are needed for snow removal purposes.
Related information:
2024 Leaf Collection Schedule
October 21 - October 25
Route #1
East End & Enterprise Park
An area bounded on the north by High Street to the intersection of High and Erie Blvd; on the east by the corporation line; on the west by Erie Blvd to the intersection of Erie and High Street; and on the south by the corporation line.
Route #2
Lindenwald (south of Laurel Ave)
An area bounded on the north by Laurel Avenue to the intersection of Laurel and Zimmerman Avenue; on the east by the southbound lanes of Dixie Highway; on the west by River Road and the corporation line; and on the south by the corporation line.
November 4 - November 8
Route #4
North End
An area bounded on the north by the corporation line; on the east by the corporation line; on the west by N 3rd Street and N Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. to the intersection of N MLK and Maple Avenue; and on the south by Maple Avenue and High Street.
Route #5
Prospect Hill (south of Rhea Ave), German Village, Downtown/CBD, & Riverview/2nd Ward (north of Pershing Ave)
An area bounded on the north by Rhea Avenue; on the east by N 3rd Street and N Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. to the intersection of N MLK and Pershing Avenue; on the west by Eaton Avenue, Main Street, and Neilan Blvd; and on the south by Pershing Avenue.
October 28 - November 1
Route #3
Jefferson, Riverview/2nd Ward (south of Pershing Ave), & Lindenwald (north of Laurel Ave)
An area bounded on the north by Pershing Avenue and Maple Avenue; on the east by the S Erie Blvd to the intersection of S Erie and Lincoln Avenue; on the west by Neilan Blvd; and on the south by Laurel Avenue to the intersection of Laurel and Zimmerman Avenue.
Route #9
New London (Fairway Hills, Timber Hill, Hyde Park) & Rossville (southwest of Ross Ave)
An area bounded on the north by Millville Avenue to the intersection of Millville and Smalley Blvd; on the east by Ross Avenue and the Great Miami River; on the west by Wasserman Road; and on the south by New London Road and Ross-Hanover Road.
Route #10
New London (Heathwood)
An area bounded on the north by New London Road and Ross-Hanover Road; on the east by Smalley Blvd, Wasserman Rd and the corporation line; on the west the corporation line; and on the south by the corporation line.
November 11 - November 15
Route #7
Highland Park & Taft Pl/Gov. Hill
An area bounded on the north by the corporation line; on the east by Eaton Avenue; on the west by the corporation line; and on the south by the Main Street to the intersection of Main, Eaton, and Millville Avenue.
November 18 - November 22
Route #6
Washington (Sanders, Random Hills, Random Oaks, Hamilton West Estates) & Prospect Hill (north of Rhea Ave)
An area bounded on the north by the corporation line; on the east by the corporation line and N B Street; on the west by Eaton Avenue from its intersection with Gordon Smith Blvd to its intersection with Rhea Avenue; and on the south by Rhea Avenue.
Route #8
Armondale & Millikin (Brookwood, Twinbrook, West Park)
An area bounded on the north by the corporation line; on the east by the Main Street to the intersection of Main, Eaton, and Millville Avenue; on the west by the corporation line and Smalley Blvd; and on the south by Millville Avenue to the intersection of Millville and Smalley.
November 25 - December 20, 2024
Last weeks of leaf collection. Any routes that are behind schedule will be completed and crews will perform spot collection throughout the City during this time.
Leaf collection will officially end on January 12, 2024 after which leaves will no longer be picked up from the curbline.