Employee Portal.

Welcome to the new internal site for Hamilton employees. Please bookmark this URL.

 City Holidays.

ThursdayNov. 28, 2024Thanksgiving
FridayNov. 29, 2024Thanksgiving
TuesdayDec. 24, 2024Christmas Eve
Wed.Dec. 25, 2024Christmas Day
TuesdayDec. 31, 2024New Year's Eve
Wed.Jan. 1, 2025New Year's Day
Monday Jan. 20, 2025Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Friday April 18, 2025Good Friday
Monday May 26, 2025Memorial Day
Friday July 4, 2025Independence Day
Monday Sep. 1, 2025Labor Day
Thursday Nov. 27, 2025Thanksgiving
Friday Nov. 28, 2025Thanksgiving
Wed.Dec. 24, 2025Christmas Eve
ThursdayDec. 25, 2025Christmas Day
Wednesday Dec. 31, 2025New Year's Eve
Thursday January 1, 2026New Year's Day

Information Technology Services.

The Information Technology Services (ITS) Department can assist you with any computer and technical issues you may be experiencing.

If you have a specific question, you can call the Help Desk at 513-785-7380 or email helpdesk@hamilton-oh.gov.

Human Resources Department.

If you have questions in reference to your employee experience(benefits, rules and regulations), please submit a SolarWinds ticket to Human Resources.