Ordinance Review Commission.
The Ordinance Review Commission is responsible for reviewing and discussing proposed ordinances that may have a significant impact on quality of life in the City of Hamilton and to provide additional opportunities for Council and public input in the development stage.
Regular Board Meetings.
8:00 am
3rd Wednesday of every month
City Council Chambers
Municipal Building
1st Floor
345 High Street
Hamilton, OH 45011
Agenda & Meeting Minutes
For agenda and meeting minutes to prior board meetings, please submit a request to mediarequests@hamilton-oh.gov
Board Members
Chair - Carla Fiehrer
Vice Chair - Pat Moeller
Council Member - Susan Vaughn
Chief of Police - Trent Chenoweth
Law Representative - Letitia Block (Non-voting)
City Clerk - Daniel Tidyman
Health Department - Cindy Hogg
Utility Representative - Christine Carr
Public Works Director - Dan Arthur
Resident Position - Mark Kile
Resident Position - Vacant