Community Engagement.
Community Engagement using Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP).
What is MAPP?
MAPP is a community-driven strategic planning process for improving community health. Expected benefits include:
Valuable collaboration
Rationale for funding
Enhanced sense of community
Improved health outcomes
MAPP: Six Phases
Organize for Success & Partnership Development - Builds commitment, engages participants, uses participant’s time well, and results in a plan that can be implemented successfully.
Visioning - Provide direction through shared community vision of health and values.
The Four Assessments - Provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect the local public health system and the health of the community.
Community Themes and Strengths Assessment: Provide an understanding of the issues that are important to the residents of Butler County.
Gather new data from community members.
Surveys (electronic and paper)
Focus groups (special populations)
Local Public Health Systems Assessment: Systematically examine the organizations and entities that contribute to the public health of our community in accordance with the 10 Essential Public Health Services.
Complete the NationalPublic Health Performance Standards: Local Assessment Instrument.
Community Health Status Assessment: Discuss priority community health and quality of life issues, including health disparities and existing assets or resources.
Analysis of existing data from multiple sources.
Forces of Change Assessment: Consider how legislation, technology, and other changes affect the operation of the public health system.
Identify Strategic Issues - Review and prioritize key issues found through assessments.
Formulate Goals and Strategies - Develop goal statements and identify broad strategies related to each key issue.
Action Cycle - Continuous planning, implementation, and evaluation. Develop objectives for strategies, goals, and create action plans.
For more information regarding the MAPP process, please call the health department at 513-785-7080.