Concrete Contractor License

On December 11, 1998, an ordinance took effect in the City of Hamilton, which regulates the construction of curbs, sidewalks, and drive approaches in the public right-of-way. Contractors doing concrete work in the right-of-way must be licensed by the City. To become licensed, a contractor must submit an application to the Public Works Department along with the following:

  1. $100.00 application fee (annual renewals will be $50.00).

  2. $10,000.00 surety bond.

  3. A copy of contractor’s liability insurance with minimum coverage of $50,000.00/$100,000.00 for personal liability and $15,000.00 for property damage. Insurance certificate must name City of Hamilton as indemnified.

  4. Certificate must state City of Hamilton is additionally insured.

Property owners personally doing work abutting their own property are exempt from the licensing requirements. In addition, there is a fee for permits to construct or replace sidewalks, curbs, and driveways. Permits for sidewalks and drive approaches will be $.25 per square foot and curb and gutter permits will be $.50 per linear foot.

Please contact this office at (513) 785-7280 with any questions you have regarding this matter.


  1. A permit must be obtained in advance of doing any work in the right-of-way. This includes the removal of existing concrete.

  2. Proper traffic control devices must be in place before doing any work that in any way disrupts traffic. Any questions regarding maintenance of traffic can be answered by the Transportation & Traffic Engineering Division, at (513) 785-7290.

  3. Flag persons must wear proper reflective safety vests, have proper flags and signs, and must have training in flagging procedures.

  4. All concrete must be Ohio Department of Transportation Class QC 1 or QC Misc. installed per City Hamilton Standard drawings. The concrete ticket(s) issued by the Concrete Ready Mix supplier must state either "ODOT QC 1" or "ODOT QC Misc." ALL other mixes will be rejected. The concrete ticket(s) must be provided to the City Inspector in either paper or electronic format.

  5. All forms must be inspected prior to the placement of concrete. Call (513) 785-7280 eight (8) hours in advance for inspection.

  6. Within twenty-four (24) hours of the removal of forms, soil areas must be backfilled and pavement areas must be backfilled with Item 304 Gravel the contractor must maintain the gravel-filled areas until he constructs a permanent pavement repair to the satisfaction of the City Inspector.