Bilstein Blvd. Bridge Replacement
Estimated Timeline: Spring 2024 - December 2024
Contact: Dan Snyder, Project Engineer | | 513-785-7280
The City of Hamilton in coordination with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is conducting environmental analysis, engineering and development of construction plans for the Bilstein Boulevard Bridge Rehabilitation project. The proposed project will rehabilitate this bridge over the CSX rail line including replacing the bridge deck.
The construction of this project is scheduled to begin in Spring 2024 and be complete by December 2024. The construction cost is federally funded plus locally funded by the City of Hamilton.
As part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the ODOT Project Development Process, we are seeking comments about the social, environmental, and economic impacts of the proposed project. Environmental impacts could include those associated with historic, archaeological, and ecological resources, hazardous materials, residents and businesses, local economy, air quality, and general concerns you may have with the project. The project will not require the acquisition of right-of-way from adjacent properties.
The proposed project will require closure of Bilstein Boulevard and Holden Boulevard at the Bridge. Detours will be required during construction. The detour routes will be signed and consist of North Gilmore Road/Symmes Road (detour length 1.35 miles) OR Port Union Road/State Route 4 Bypass/Symmes Road (detour route of 2.1 miles). On the north side of the bridge in the City of Hamilton, Bilstein Boulevard will be open to Standen Drive. On the south of the bridge in the City of Fairfield, Holden Boulevard will be open to Fairfield Senior High School and Fairfield Compass Elementary School.
This is to advise that the City of Hamilton is currently developing the above described project. To ensure your comments may be considered during project development, please submit them no later than November 10, 2022 via the following contact information: Dan Snyder, Project Engineer. EMAIL: . Phone 513.785.7280.
See project location map and detour map.
We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and assistance so that this worthwhile project can be completed at the earliest possible date.