***To report an electric outage, please call 513-785-7550, Option 1***

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Infrastructure (Utilities + Public Works)


Additional Resources

Rules & Regulations.

 Access utility rules & regulations, including utility service and connection fees.

Public Energy Week.

See how Hamilton is celebrating Public Energy Week in 2023.

Utility Safety.

Find information on utility safety, water quality, and work zones.

Adopt-A-Catch Basin.

Adopt a catch basin to keep an eye out for potential issues and help reduce the risk of localized street flooding.

Water Consortium.

Learn more about the City’s membership in the Hamilton to New Baltimore Groundwater Consortium.

Investor Relations.

Visit the City’s investor relations site to learn more about utility financials and bond ratings and offerings.

Hydraulic Field Testing.

Residents can see when hydraulic field testing will be happening in their area with our new online tool.

Greenup Relicensing.

View documents related to the Greenup FERC relicensing process.